The raw datum must be given back as reclaimed, that is, corrected and validated according to the preset quality standards. The same objective is shared when online addresses are normalized or email addresses are validated. Each name in the database is checked for punctuation and spelling so that possible typing errors are eliminated. Obsolete fields are replaced by updated values, for example when a surname is modified. Finally, the name is completed with missing information according to the defined patterns and the desired format. That way, important information about the age, sex and nationality can be obtained by simply starting from his/her name and surname. Moreover, we can quickly and precisely discover some useful details for our business such as the address, phone number, email address, and, of course, in accordance with the current privacy regulations.
Normalizing one or various databases is the first step in knowing more about some segments of people. Potential customers, newsletter subscribers, people who live within 50 km from a shop that is going to be opened … Just having a name and an email address (when, for example, you have to send a newsletter) can be enough to build up the name and complete the data with the residence address. Obviously, the more data you collect, the more data can be added to the list. When we have the address, we can get geographical coordinates and have new opportunities of geocoding (or georeferencing) which means we can localize the addresses on a map, so a series of disorganized data will be sorted in a geographical representation in two or even three dimensions. Now the database and the map can give relationships, distances and itineraries and that can allow the creation of a marketing strategy that will be as efficient as the data is concrete and current.
The normalization of online data can include private individuals as well as the data of companies and firms in general. In this case, company databases can include the ATECO Code (ISTAT activity), company details such as the phone and fax numbers, the address, the number of employees (for capital companies only), the list of branches, the record-keeping section… just entering the VAT number or the tax code, you will get the detailed data of the company. Then you will be able to complete the chart with everything that can be added or matched to this data including the geographical coordinates and the relevant points on the map. The consequences of this type of normalization are numberless; just think what it means to know where the competitors are located in the territory, how far away the suppliers are or, for example, even where the plumbers who will install our plumbing systems are located.
The online database normalization is the most direct and practical way to validate and complete the database, but there are also other ways to achieve the same goal. Thanks to its versatility, Address4 is compatible with several software applications (i.e. CRM, ERP, data entry software, web masks and etc.) and the standard environments such as IBM, SAP, Windows Google, Oracle and other infrastructures. Another very important application is data entry, a very critical operation that needs a suitable normalization instrument to avoid transcription mistakes and a consequent waste of time. The validation of data and details for mailing and shipping is the third option of the ways to use Address4. Finally, there is the web forms that are the forms to fill online from the smartphone, tablet or computer when a product is going to be purchased, a service is going to be booked or a subscription to a portal is going to be completed. Depending on the contest, the database normalization always has its ideal configuration and meets the expectations of any project.
At this point, it should be clear, even to those less experienced, the business potential that the online normalization or other methods imply. 24/7 in the language and target country, the company that uses Address4 will be able to reclaim and update old data, improving the data they have, carrying out more focused market research and clearing useless names or deleting data that are useless or too far from the pre-set goals. These and other operations won’t need any significant technical skills and can be carried out remotely both autonomously and confidentially. Moreover, Address4 allows one to have the correct and formatted address according to the postal system you are referring to so that you can be sure that the shipping information or advertising materials will get to the destination you want whether in your own country or abroad.
Those who want to use Address4 online to normalize the database just have to log in and fill in the form on the page dedicated to free address validation. Online logging is with no obligation and allows you to get free test credits, unlocking advanced functions, downloading the Data Quality ebook free of charge, validating entire online database and getting database updated automatically without any installations required. This exclusive offer is reserved to all those who want forefront normalization software that is able to work in most countries and in many languages such as English, French, Italian, Brazilian and Spanish. You can check Address4 coverage by clicking on the countries on the map or by the search bar on the coverage page. The free trial for online database normalization is ready to grant you an excellent user experience. Fill in the mandatory fields from the address validation page and immediately discover how Address4 can help your business grow, optimize costs and win competitors.